How to Use Docker Compose for Development

Docker Compose is a powerful tool that simplifies managing multi-container Docker applications. It allows you to define and run several interconnected services using a single YAML file. This is particularly useful for development environments, where you might need to spin up multiple services (like a web server, database, and caching service) that work together. Here’s a guide on how to use Docker Compose for development.

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose

Before using Docker Compose, ensure you have Docker installed on your machine. Docker Compose typically comes pre-installed with Docker Desktop, but if you’re using Linux, you may need to install it separately.

To install Docker, follow the instructions on the [Docker Installation Guide](

  1. Create a Dockerfile

Start by creating a `Dockerfile` for the application you want to run. A `Dockerfile` is a text file that contains instructions to build a Docker image.

Here’s an example for a simple Node.js application:


 Use the official Node.js image as the base

FROM node:14

 Set the working directory

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

 Copy package.json and package-lock.json

COPY package*.json ./

 Install dependencies

RUN npm install

 Copy the application code

COPY . .

 Expose the application port


 Define the command to run the application

CMD [“node”, “app.js”]


  1. Create a `docker-compose.yml` File

The `docker-compose.yml` file defines the services that make up your application. Here’s a basic example:


version: ‘3.8’



build: .


– “3000:3000”


– .:/usr/src/app


– NODE_ENV=development


image: postgres:13




POSTGRES_DB: mydatabase


– db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data




Explanation of the Compose File

– version: Specifies the version of the Docker Compose file format.

– services: Each service defined here corresponds to a container that will be created.

– web: This service builds from the `Dockerfile` in the current directory and maps port 3000 from the container to port 3000 on the host.

– volumes: This mounts the current directory (where your code is) to `/usr/src/app` in the container, allowing for live code changes without rebuilding the container.

– environment: Passes environment variables to the container.

– db: This service uses the official PostgreSQL image and sets up the database with specified user, password, and database name.

– volumes: This creates a named volume that persists the database data.

  1. Build and Run Containers

Navigate to the directory containing your `docker-compose.yml` file from your terminal and run the following command:


docker-compose up


This command builds your images and starts the services defined in `docker-compose.yml`. If you make changes to your code, Docker will reflect those changes immediately due to the volume mapping.

To run the services in detached mode, add the `-d` flag:


docker-compose up -d


  1. Access Your Application

Once the containers are up and running, you can access your application through your web browser or API client at `http://localhost:3000`.

  1. Managing Containers

You can manage your Docker Compose environment with various commands:

– View logs:


docker-compose logs


– Stop services:


docker-compose down


– Scale services (e.g., run multiple instances of the web service):


docker-compose up –scale web=3


  1. Development Tips

– Environment Configuration: You can use `.env` files to manage your environment variables, which can be referenced in the `docker-compose.yml`.

– Debugging: Use tools like `docker exec` to open a bash shell in your running container for debugging:


docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash


– Hot Reloading: If you’re using a framework that supports hot reloading (like Node.js with Express), your application changes will reflect immediately without requiring a container restart due to volume mounting.


Docker Compose is an essential tool for managing multi-container applications, especially in a development environment. By setting up a `Dockerfile` and a `docker-compose.yml`, you can streamline your workflow and create consistent, isolated development environments. Experiment with different configurations and services to find the best setup for your projects!